# Users: 8

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Business Directory

The myNavision.net Business Directory helps companies find business partners, interact with contacts, and identify products or services. As a member of this business directory, you benefit from an open marketplace, where buyers find sellers around the world and service providers cater to the professional needs of individuals. Once you've registered your company, you can update your company data anytime, anywhere!

# Registered companies: 212

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Alphabetical Name Listing
0-9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

Companies by country
Australia - 8Morocco - 1
Austria - 9Netherlands - 19
Belgium - 10New Zealand - 1
Bulgaria - 1Norway - 1
Canada - 7Poland - 1
Czech Republic - 4Portugal - 5
Denmark - 6Romania - 2
France - 7Russian Federation - 4
Germany - 15Singapore - 4
Hungary - 2Slovenia - 7
Iceland - 1South Africa - 5
India - 1Spain - 4
Indonesia - 1Sweden - 2
Ireland - 1Switzerland - 8
Italy - 4Thailand - 1
Latvia - 1Tunisia - 2
Lithuania - 2Ukraine - 1
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of - 1United Kingdom - 19
Malaysia - 2United States - 42

Recent News
Sat2Mar2002 Release of Outlook Integration Suite for Navision Attain  - SimCrest, Inc
Mon18Jun2001 Wolverine Shoes  - Kelar Corporation
Mon7May2001 KUMATRONIK Add-On PMAS (Project Management Accounting System) registered with Navision  - KUMATRONIK Business Solutions, Inc.
Tue27Mar2001 Release of Asset Management Add-On  - NaviWorld (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Wed7Mar2001 ExpandIT releases ExpandIT Internet Shop - version 1.6  - ExpandIT Solutions UK Ltd
Wed7Mar2001 ExpandIT releases ExpandIT Business Application Server - version 2.0  - ExpandIT Solutions UK Ltd
Wed6Dec2000 Martinsson Business system department changes to Navigera Business Consulting AB  - Navigera Business Consulting AB
Tue31Oct2000 Nexus Integration Services Announces the Interface of Palm Pilot and Navision  - Nexus Integration Services
Sun10Sep2000 Process Manufacturing Add-On  - NaviWorld (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Thu31Aug2000 Pollux increases sales and improves customer satisfaction through WebNext e-commerce solution   - WEBCOM a.s.
Thu24Aug2000 Navision Financials SQL Server Opens New Markets for Martinsson Informationsystem  - Navigera Business Consulting AB
Wed23Aug2000 C & M opens a store of hand-tools on the Web  - Computer Support nv
Mon14Aug2000 Productconfigurator for Navision Manufacturing  - Foqus-ICT b.v.
Tue1Aug2000 Thin Internet Client for Navision Financials - WebNext iOffice  - WEBCOM a.s.
Fri7Jul2000 KUMATRONIK Add-On Module Item Qualifier and Finder certified in US  - KUMATRONIK Business Solutions, Inc.
Fri30Jun2000 Development of Verito Rental module  - Verito Informatisering BV
Thu29Jun2000 Infosession Navision Software dd. 21/09/2000 & 16/11/2000  - Computer Support nv

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