27 May 2002
A new section called Product Directory is born.
As a registered company in the Business Directory, you can now publish the product factsheets of your own developed solutions
or add-on's.
Luc Van Dyck
26 April 2002
The site is moved to a new server, so it is available for everyone now (also the ones who are behind
a firewall).
I changed the front page so you can see quickly if there are new downloads on the site. Hope you like it.
If you want your software to be included in this list, please use the Upload page.

8 February 2002
If you want to donate some money to support this site, I can't stop you ;-)
Go to the "Make a donation" menu and do your thing.

28 October 2001
We are on-line again. Nice to see you all back.
I have taken the opportunity to update the forum software. If you are a registered user, please update your profile.

7 April 2001
Navision people are joining the Intel-United Devices CANCER Research Project.
Download the UD Agent and truly be a part of a world-changing project. The National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) Centre for Drug Discovery in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Oxford,
England, is working with United Devices and our Member Community in the search for new drugs in the treatment of cancer.
Don't just make a donation. Make a difference.
Please join the Navision team!

23 March 2001
The download section has been updated, again. Now it's possible to give a rating to the downloaded software.

19 March 2001
The download section has been updated. When applicable, a screenshot is available.

17 March 2001
3 new forums have been created: Navision Axapta, Navision XAL & Navision C5/C4. These are the ex-Damgaard products.
The download page has 2 new sections: Navision Webshop demo's and Navision Mobile WAP Solutions. Enjoy!

14 January 2001 Receive notification on your mobile phone when someone replies. Now it's possible
to have a SMS-message send to your mobile, whenever someone replies to your thread in the forum. You have to create a Quios account first, and enter your
phone number. When creating your Quios-account, be sure to have "Q-Mail Notification" enabled. Now modify your profile on the myNavision.net forum page, and
fill in your SMS e-mail address in the appropriate field. Whenever you post a new topic and select the "Email Notification" option, a SMS-message will be send
when someone replies to your topic.
You can use other services besides Quios if you prefer. Your SMS e-mail account will not be visible to other users, so privacy is guaranteed.
Powered by

28 July 2000 2 new forums have been created: Navision Tips & Tricks, and Navision Jobs.

29 June 2000 The Business Directory section is updated. Now it is possible for
registered companies to add news-items to this site. News bulletins can be created, edited or deleted by you. Please use only English for
the bulletins. They are displayed on the Business Directory main-page and on the company page.

21 June 2000 The site is back on-line! It seems that the server stopped running for the last 2 days. It could be worse, right? Anyway, it's good to be back.

12 June 2000 I am out of the country for a few days. There will be no updates to this site until 21 June.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

10 May 2000 A new section called Business Directory is born.
The myNavision.net Business Directory helps companies find business partners, interact with contacts, and identify products or services.
If you have a company that delivers Navision products or services, you are free to register.

25 April 2000 The site is back on-line! I was hospitalized for over a week,
and after that there where some problems with my cable-modem. But everything is fine now, thank you.

19 February 2000 I updated the discussion board software. Now you can quote a part
of the original message, when replying.

6 February 2000 An upload-section is added to the site. If you have files that
could be of use for other Navision users, please use the upload-form to send them to this site. If you send commercial demo's, you can
also give the URL where the files can be downloaded.
I also added the other demo-movies of Navision Software to the download-section (Advanced Distribution & Manufacturing).
If you want to see extra sections, or have other comments concern this site, please use the feedback form or forum.

30 January 2000 I added an experimental Chat box to this site. It's a very simple chat, without any
special features. If it works ... enjoy. If it doesn't ... let me know.

11 January 2000 The Navision Group wants this message to appear on the site:
"Information from the Navision Group
Prompted by user reaction the Navision Group would like to clarify why the hostmaster of this website has been asked to select another domain name.
The Navision Group believes that it is very beneficial that a web-site forms a non-associated, independent forum for Navision users, stockholders ect. to discuss various aspects of the group's business and products.
By using the domain name >mynavision.net< as well as by not stating that the web-site was not associated with or approved by the Navision Group, visitors might have gained the impression, though, that the web-site was somehow affilliated with the Navision Group.
It is important that there is no risk of such misunderstandings - especially when one considers that the Danish parent company, Navision Software A/S, is listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange.
In this light, the hostmaster was asked to select another domain name that is not confusingly similar with the Navision trade name and trademark. For the same reason, the hostmaster was asked to implement the notice that now appears on the website.
Subject to the above, we do not have any objection to the web-site as such. On the contrary, we would like to stress once again that we generally speaking take a sympathetic attitude towards a user forum.
Copenhagen, 11 January 2000"

5 January 2000 I received a message from <a name> & <another name> who represents Navision Software a/s. They want the above notice to appear on every page on this site,
and want me to "immediately and permanently cease and desist of all unauthorized use of the domain name
>mynavision.net<". So it looks like this site has to choose another domain-name. Any suggestions?

"This website is not in any way affiliated or associated
with Navision Software A/S or any of the companies in the Navision Software Group. Neither has the Navision Software
Group provided, sponsored or approved the appearance or any of the contents of this website. The Navision Group is
not responsible for the appearance and contents of this website."